February 4, 2014

Kevin Rademacher was outstanding from start to finish. We first called the store with some general questions about wall ovens. He took the time to patiently answer them all. That initial contact is what prompted us to head over to Northgate instead of elsewhere in town. We were not disappointed. Kevin was able to explain the ins and outs of ovens, including our specific concerns about the cooling fans, the noise they make, and why some brands are quieter than others (but more prone to have the digital board fail). Because noise is an issue in our small kitchen, we wanted to hear the exact oven we were considering, before buying. Because that oven did not happen to be on the showroom floor, Kevin located it in the shipping area and had it brought into the building so that we could see and hear it in action. That allowed us to make a knowledgeable decision. We then purchased our new oven at a very competitive price. In fact, the sale price was less than what we could have gotten at Lowe's. Kevin also put us in touch with someone who could remove the old oven and enlarge our built-in space, prior to delivery, so that the new oven would fit. Ken was likewise great to work with and very accommodating. Finally, delivery day arrived but heavy snow and near-zero visibility made it impossible for the truck to get up the hill to our condo. The next business day did not look much better but the delivery crew made the effort to get to us anyway, and got the oven installed, which was much appreciated since we had by that point been without an oven for 10 days. Thanks very much, Kevin and crew, for a job well done!! 

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